
Friday, January 23, 2009

Stay At Home Mom

Kalie and I have been spending some time together recently. She's a stay at home mom, I'm a stay at home mom.. Instead of doing nothing alone, we now do nothing together. It's great fun.

Kalie's little girl Avery will be 7 months on Sunday and she is already crawling. It was so cute watching her crawl around last night. What a big milestone! I can't wait for Keegan to crawl..or can I?

Anyway. Kalie introduced me to this thing called "Meetup". It's on the internet, and it's a great way for people to meet other people. Well, she and I are in this group called "Shreveport-Bossier Stay At Home Mom's Playgroup". It's so neat! Yesterday we went to a park and got to meet other stay-at-home mom's there. There were so many cute kids and a lot of great mom's that I met.

People think "Oh man, you get to stay at home all day! Watch tv, write in your blog, eat, sleep. That's the life!" Any mom's/stay-at-home mom's out there know. It's much more than that. Sure, our job isn't very physically exhausting (once the little ones are sleeping through the night). But it sure can take an emotional toll on us every once and a while. Taking care of a child is actual work. On top of taking care of yourself and your home. Every once and a while we just need a break. This group is great for that!

Next week, there's an event called "Stoller Skating". How cool is that?! I think I might go.

Jonas and David (Kalie's hubby) have work off the next two days. So later, all six of us are going to the Boardwalk. I'm planning on taking more pictures of Keegan and Avery playing, like they are here on Tuesday (Jan 20th).

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