
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Poll Questions

So I know I had put some polls on here a while ago. It's about time I fill ya'll in on the correct answers.

In response to the question "What is the Schusters' favorite kind of animal?" I had three votes for a puppy and three votes for a tiger. None for the lion or the pig. What's wrong with lions and pigs? Haters.. Believe it or not, a pig is my second favorite kind of animal. So.. if the question was "What is Samantha's second favorite kind of animal?"...ya'll would have .. lost. Anyway. The correct answer is tiger! Ding ding ding three of you were right, good job!

Next question. "How many kids does Jonas want?" 3 people said 2 kids, 1 person said 3 kids, and 1 person said 4 kids. No votes for 5 kids..wonder why? Haha well 4 of you are right. He said he wants 2, but he could deal with 3.

Last question. "How many kids does Samantha want?" 2 votes for 2, 1 vote for 3, 2 votes for 4, and 0 votes for 5. Sorry guys, looks like nobody got this one right! I want 5 kids. I know I'm not going to have 5 children, but it is what I want. (I'm sure this is going to start some sort commotion with the family in Germany and Georgia. Not to mention what's going to break loose in Louisiana) Haha.

I'm posting another poll question. Make sure to vote!

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