
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Fire! Fire!

That's right! This morning at around 11:30, we were startled to hear the fire alarm going off in our apartment. After a minute or so of figuring out what to do, Jonas and I decided to bundle Keegan up and go outside. In case there was a fire, we would want to be far from it. And have Keegan even farther.

We were the first ones to evacuate the building. Couldn't anyone else hear it?! It was ear piercing! We first went out to the back lawn and wondered if we were doing something wrong, considering the parking lot was full of cars and yet nobody was outside. It didn't take long before we were greeted by a little hyper dog off her leash. So Jonas walked to the parking lot as I followed the little dog around an entire building to make sure she didn't get out the gate while her owner went to get the leash.

Once I caught up with Jonas, we started talking to a neighbor on the far end of the building. She said, "I bet it's that stupid guy on the second floor right here," (opposite side of the apartment from us). "I swear, this happens all the time and it's always the same guy and he's NEVER there!"

Finally, the fire department shows up in pairs.. many pairs. They were late enough, however, that if there was a fire, the building would have been in ashes already. The first thing the fireman did though (which was pretty shocking to Jonas and me) was run straight to our door and start banging. I left Jonas and Keegan in the car and went to talk to the fireman.

Fireman: "Do you live here?"
Me: "Yeah."
Fireman: "Which apartment is yours?"
Me: "That one, 108."
Fireman: "What's going on in there?"
Me: "Nothing."
Fireman: "You may want to double check. The alarm is indicating that it is coming from this area of the building."

So I went inside to double check on everything. I noticed it was a little hot, but we had the heater on so I figured it was just that. THEN I remembered... Jonas had reheated some pizza (left over from our New Year's celebration last night with Papa John) and left the oven open afterward to let it cool off faster. I had just pieced together the puzzle.

I casually walked out and told the fireman the same thing I had told him earlier: there wasn't anything on fire in our apartment. Once I got back to the car, I informed Jonas (who was raging mad at this point that we had to sit outside because some idiot set off the fire alarm and there wasn't even a fire) that HE was the one to set off the alarm. After a few minutes of him defending himself, saying that it wasn't his fault and that it's stupid that it would go off because of an open oven (which, I figure, because of the fact that there are, lets say, 72 people in our building alone, they have to have strong fire detectors), he proceeded to laugh and say "That's embarrassing" with a cute smile on his face.

1 comment:

Melissa Dunsmoor said...

That's a great story. Love the look of your new blog! :)