
Friday, November 18, 2011

Keegan is Famous!

Surely, by this point, all of you know about Twitter, the relatively-new social networking site. I have a twitter, but could never really get into it. I didn't see the point of it, but let me tell you about something that I am thoroughly excited about.

What twitter is all about is that you can have followers, and you "tweet" about anything you'd like, and anybody that is following you will see your tweet on their homepage.

Tom Bergeron, the host of Dancing With the Stars and America's Funniest Home Videos, is on twitter, like nearly all celebrities, politicians, authors, people-of-interest. And 200 million of their fans.

This morning, I found out that Tom Bergeron tweeted about our very own Keegan Schuster! I ran around the house shaking for like 10 minutes (yeah..not even kidding). I am still so excited about it!
What you can also do on Twitter is "retweet" someone's tweet. Anybody can tag anybody in a tweet, but the only way it will show up on YOUR page is if you retweet it....which is exactly what Bob Saget did.
So, the way I see it, Keegan is now a celebrity. :)

For Tom Bergeron's twitter, click here.
For Bob Saget's twitter, click here.
For Keegan's video they're referring to, click here.

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