
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Keegan's the ER

At about 9:00 last night, Keegan was running around in the kitchen and slipped and hit his head on the tile floor as he went down. I heard a little cry, and then about 20 seconds later loud screams (he had been crying the whole time but was crying so hard he couldn't breathe). I picked him, as he wasn't picking himself up (not normal for Keegan after a fall). I carried him around for a few minutes trying to console him, he just kept crying and saying "Owee, owee, owee" over and over again. I then noticed that he was extremely hot and drenched in sweat, mainly from his neck up. That worried me. I got him an ice-pop to try to cool and calm him down, and he did. But then he got really really pale, so I tried my best without a flashlight to see if his eyes were dilating, and they weren't. About 15 minutes passed, me trying to get a hold of Jonas the entire time (he was working last night) and Keegan started walking again, occasionally putting his head down on whatever was near him, whether it be a table or a couch or the fireplace, etc. I read online that, especially with toddlers, it's hard to tell whether the child is concussed or not, and that they can act normal and then suddenly not wake up from sleep or have brain trauma, among other things. I finally just couldn't wait and loaded him up in the car and headed towards the Emergency Room at the hospital. On my way to, I got a hold of Jonas and he agreed that I should take him. So, after a couple hours, we went home with doctors orders to rest and just look out for other symptoms (a dent in the head, vomiting, etc.) and bring him back immediately if anything shows up. While he didn't have a concussion, I'm still glad I brought him in to give me peace of mind.

Today he appears much better, not running around as he normally does but it's still early! I didn't have my camera with me at the hospital, but here are some pictures taken with my phone.

At first he was fascinated by the machines
He was such a trooper the whole timeI'm glad I had crayons and paper in my purse though. We were there for two hours!

So, once again, all is well in the Schuster house! We are now just anxiously awaiting Delilah's arrival, scheduled for 3 weeks from today. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, where I'll have another NST and maybe even an ultrasound. Remember, she was already big five weeks ago, so we may even be given a new due date tomorrow. My dad is getting married in about a week and a half, and I would absolutely hate to miss it.. we'll see tomorrow if I'm able to go to the wedding or not!

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