
Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I am so mad at Google right now I could scream.  Apparently, every time I upload a picture to the blog (which is operated through Google), it saves it to another Google application called Picasa, into a folder called Picasa Web Albums.  This is the first I am learning of this.  Apparently, I have completely used up my storage.  Under normal circumstances, I would just delete the pictures from my Picasa Web Albums and go on about my business, but apparently, if I delete it from the Picasa Web Albums, it also deletes it from the blog.  Go figure.  So...until I can find a way around this, or pay a monthly fee to increase my storage (which doesn't make sense...shouldn't it be a one time fee? - even if I pay this fee, what happens when I use up all that storage too?), I will not be able to upload any pictures to the blog.  GRR!!! Trust me, I am just as upset about this as you probably are.  Hopefully I can figure something out soon!

In the meantime, I will put all the pictures I was trying to put on the blog, on Facebook.. so for all of you on Facebook, you can see them there.  So sorry!!

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