
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Funny Things Keegan Says

No pictures right now, I'm on my laptop and all the pictures are on my desktop! Maybe tonight, after Jonas wakes up.

This morning, Keegan said "Candy?" I said "I don't think so mister." So he said "Okay, candy after dinner." He's so smart.

Yesterday, Avery was over here and she and Keegan were playing in his room. Jonas went in there to join them and Keegan yelled, "No Daddy WAIT! Get out! Close the door!" and he pushed Jonas out of the room! He's so silly.

Both kids have runny noses and are pretty congested right now. Keegan saw Lila with a runny nose and said, "Uh oh Mommy. Lila sick. Lila big boogies."

We don't get on Skype very often to see family, but we did yesterday and Keegan remembered all of my siblings! He was dancing for them and having a good time, he loves video chat.

We had a pepper spray incident recently. I wasn't thinking and I left my purse within reach, and my pepper spray was inside. It has a rather tricky lock on it, but somehow Keegan managed to open it and spray it when I was in the restroom. I hear him calling me and asking for a drink, repeatedly and kind of in a panic. As soon as I opened the door to the restroom, the smell was suffocating me. Keegan and I were coughing and gagging, I just threw the door open and let Keegan and the cats run out. It was so bad, I had to step outside to catch my breath, run inside as fast as I could to grab drinks for Keegan and myself, and grab sleeping Lila (her door was closed and the smell hadn't reached her room, but I didn't want to take any chances) and we had to spend the next 3 hours outside. When Jonas got home (my hero) the smell wasn't so bad and he was able to stay inside for a little bit to set up some fans and spray some air freshener.
Anyway, I was telling Jonas's coworker Kevin the story, and Kevin thought it was hilarious that Keegan was crying and yelling "Drink!! Drink!" so Kevin cracked up and said "Drink" like it was so funny. Keegan saw him do this, and now every time he sees Kevin, Keegan throws his head back, laughs, and says "Drink." He remembers the silliest things!

He likes to sing songs, but he only sings them partially. His favorite song to sing is "Tomorrow" from the movie Annie (the sun'll come out tomorrow), it's so cute.

I have some recent videos, I will try to post them. Things are starting to get hectic, with the holiday season and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Hopefully tonight I can post a lot before tomorrow comes and I start really stressing out about Thanksgiving dinner!

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