
Friday, July 22, 2011

Silly Kids

When Lila was first born, I went through all of Keegan's newborn pictures trying to find a picture of him that she looked like. After a while I finally decided that they just didn't look enough alike to try to do that. Well I decided to go down memory lane, with Lila's first birthday coming up, and looked back at pictures from around Keegan's first birthday. First of all, it is so funny to see some of the facial expressions he made as a baby, some of the same facial expressions he makes today haha. And second, I found one of him making the same face that Lila makes all the time - I don't remember him doing that! I thought I'd share with you all. I just can't believe how fast my babies are growing up. I am SO glad I have the opportunity to stay at home with them right now - they are only this age once, I don't want to miss a thing!

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

cute! keegan & delilah do have their similarities, and they get some of that spunk from their parents! :) hehe. they're adorable together...and that is so true, you only get a little while to see them at every stage and every age! Enjoy!!