
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New Milestones for Delilah!

One week after Lila started sitting up, she started STANDING up! It was such a quick turnaround, I couldn't believe it! So she can pull up on anything and everything, she will walk around the table or walk around pushing a toy. She can't stand up without the help of an object, and she won't let go while standing (unless it's to sit down) but every day she gets stronger and every day I think it's going to be the day that she stands on her own, so I think it will be soon! Also, I don't know if I put this on here before, but Lila has a funny way of "cooing" and making it sound like real words! She says "Lila" all the time. She definitely knows her name, which is cool. When I was in Georgia, I was on the phone with Jonas and I jokingly yelled "I LOVE YOU" pretty loud. Paityn and I were sitting at the kitchen table and Lila was playing in the family room and she DISTINCTIVELY "cooed" back what sounded exactly like "I love you too." It was so amazing, Paityn and I dropped everything and just stared at each other in disbelief. Of course, it was just a coincidence but quite a crazy coincidence! She still has just the two teeth, and by this age Keegan had 6 or so teeth so he was able to chew food. Lila is still eating baby food because I'm scared to give her table food, thinking she'll choke. Maybe sometime this month we'll start with that, because Keegan had his first steak at 9 months and Lila will be 9 months at the end of this one! I can't believe how fast these last 9 months have gone by, let alone the last four years!

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