
Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Bye Dad!"

Tonight, just as Jonas was about to walk out the door and we were continuously saying "Bye" to each other like we always do as he leaves for work, Keegan turned to Jonas, waved, and said perfectly "Bye Dad!". I looked up from my magazine and Jonas stopped in his tracks...we both looked at Keegan and said "What?!" It was so cute, Keegan then walked over the the gate we have at the entrance of the kitchen, looked up at Jonas, and again, said "Bye Dad!" It was the cutest thing. He is constantly talking jibberish but this is the first time that what he said actually made sense. Does that count as his first words?? I'm not sure if he even knew what he was saying, but it was an exciting moment nonetheless!

P.S. I'm about to upload another video to YouTube of him speaking jibber jabber. It was taken last night.

Rule #190. Have good posture. Enter a room with purpose and confidence.

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