
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Vixey - Our Newest Addition!!

That's right! Jonas loves me so much that he got me an early Christmas present, and that's our new dog Vixey!

She's so sweet! We got her from a rescue shelter in Arkansas. She's about a year old, although they're not positive on her age or her breed! The way I like to think about it is her one year birthday is the day we got her and she's a collie, chow and FOX mix! (definitely a fox..has to be a fox)She's really good with the cats, Jonas likes her, and best of all: she's great with Keegan!! Now I can actually go outside instead of being cooped up inside all day long. I've got a dog to walk. :)


Melissa Dunsmoor said...

What a cutie. How fun! I am such a dog person. Kevin won't let us have any animals. Your so lucky!

Lisa said...

that is so cute. that's quite a mix for a dog!!! love you!