
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Holden and Branson Come to Play

Yesterday, Holden and Branson came over while Jill (their mom) had an interview call from San Francisco (keep your fingers crossed for her!)  We had a good time, despite Keegan being rather cranky (which I discovered this morning is most likely because he was getting sick).  Here are some pictures from yesterday - Holden and Branson probably think I'm crazy for the constant picture taking, haha!
 Delilah was mad at Holden because she wanted to hold the bag of goldfish.  Ohhhhh boy!
 Little musicians :)
 Holden had Keegan laughing so hard, Keegan had tears streaming down his face!
 Keegan and Delilah are [playing] dead because they drank the deadly "Pikachu Coffee" that Holden had made, and Branson is blissfully unaware

We are glad we got to spend some time with them! Now to stop those runny noses and sneezes. Stupid allergies!!  Poor kiddos  :/

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